I decided to start off my reviews with a series not many of my friends have read yet. The River of Time
was written by Lisa T. Bergren, who has also written quite a few Christian historical romances (which I have not read). The big difference is that she wrote this series for a YA general audience. Although God is referred to, it is not preachy at all (which is a pet peeve of mine). The amazing thing is it wasn't recommended to me by a friend, or by Amazon, or the library survey I did. I was at the library, and just happened to spot the first one, Waterfall, sitting on the counter! It caught my eye, so I looked it up at home and then ordered it, and I was SO glad I did!
give you an entire synopsis, or overview of the books/series. When my friends who seem to enjoy the same type of books that I do want to know what to read next, I basically just tell them or give them the books without much description! But I will tell you hopefully enough to pique your interest.
Basically, this is a series about 2 teens from modern-day America, who travel back in time to medieval Italy. There, they not only find some HOT knights in shining armor :), but more adventure than they could have imagined, and they both have to grow up very quickly. I don't want to give too much away, but it's also about family, making life decisions, grappling with the idea of God's interest in our lives, and so much more. It's has great characters and is chock full of action, romance, and humor, and is simply very well-written! One of the fun things about it is Gabi's 21st century vernacular when talking to herself juxtaposed with the proper way she converses with the "locals". It has just the right amount of "can't put it down" quality. I actually read it a 2nd time within about 6 months! I don't do this often, but this is 1 of 2 in the past year that I loved so much I couldn't help it! (The Infernal Devices being the other). Like the blog title says, you just HAVE to read it! I have read so many YA books because for whatever reason it's my favorite genre, and after a few series that weren't so great, this definitely stands out as exceptional .
is book #1 and I found it interesting from the start, but it really picks up about 2/3 of the way through, and then the next 2 I found to each be more exciting than the previous one! There are 2 novellas and one more to come after the original trilogy, that I also enjoyed. I would love to hear your opinion if you decide to pick it up and read it; come back to this page and comment, please.
Basically, this is a series about 2 teens from modern-day America, who travel back in time to medieval Italy. There, they not only find some HOT knights in shining armor :), but more adventure than they could have imagined, and they both have to grow up very quickly. I don't want to give too much away, but it's also about family, making life decisions, grappling with the idea of God's interest in our lives, and so much more. It's has great characters and is chock full of action, romance, and humor, and is simply very well-written! One of the fun things about it is Gabi's 21st century vernacular when talking to herself juxtaposed with the proper way she converses with the "locals". It has just the right amount of "can't put it down" quality. I actually read it a 2nd time within about 6 months! I don't do this often, but this is 1 of 2 in the past year that I loved so much I couldn't help it! (The Infernal Devices being the other). Like the blog title says, you just HAVE to read it! I have read so many YA books because for whatever reason it's my favorite genre, and after a few series that weren't so great, this definitely stands out as exceptional .
The River of Time
as a whole gets an A+ from me!