This list isn't limited to books released in 2013, only to books I read this year. Some of them I've already reviewed; most are probably on my A or B lists. Although I don't read much nonfiction, I am including it as a category here, as well as audiobooks as a separate category. I listen while I work, and usually choose books I'm interested in but not completely sure I will like, if that makes sense. Usually, I'm right and they are just OK, but I had a couple surprises this year. If I find myself trying to find time to listen to them when I'm not at work, I know I have found a winner! :)
Best Fantasy Series: The Infernal Devices
I have yet to review this series, but that is coming soon! I think I read the first one and maybe even two in December of 2012, but I read them all again anyway, so it still counts! :) Seriously, I usually don't have all-time favorites, but this very well could be it for me in the fantasy series category. It is as well-written as Harry Potter in my opinion, with the perfectly executed story arc and overall satisfaction, but has more emphasis on the love story, which you and I both know is a priority for me. :) Very unique setting and some of the best characters, both primary and secondary. Must also mention another trilogy I read 2x, The River of Time;
I reviewed that one a few months ago.
Best Romance: Edenbrooke
I just reviewed this so won't say too much (check it out a few blog posts down), but seriously, other than Redeeming Love, of course, this is the BEST love story I have ever read! Reminiscent of Jane Austen in setting but SO much easier to follow; it is, as I said, simply delightful! (and I don't talk like that!!) The characters and their interactions are perfection; so sweet and heartfelt.
Best Audiobook: The Raven Boys
wasn't too sure if I would like this or not; and truly, if you find New Age-y stuff makes you uncomfortable, don't read it (e.g. physics, ley lines, etc.). It is a story told somewhat slowly, as she does a lot of character development along the way. This was one audiobook I almost wished I would have sat down to read instead, although I really did enjoy the narrator; he had such a pleasant southern drawl, it really was an addition rather than a detraction like some audiobook readers have been for me. Only problem? It's a trilogy (at least) with only the first 2 written... :( Solid B+!
Best Nonfiction: Finding Roses in the Dust : A Journey to a New Perspective
still working on this one, but it is an enjoyable yet very challenging account of a family's year in Afghanistan. It is really putting life in perspective for me. The chapter on thankfulness was spot-on. Also have to recommend Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown
which I listened to on audiobook recently.
Least Favorite: I did start a couple series that I thought sounded interesting but ended up not even finishing the 2nd book: The Uglies. First book was OK; 2nd book (The Pretties) I couldn't stand! Also, The Selection; once again first book and premise wasn't bad, 2nd book I ended up skimming and I don't even care what happens enough to pick up the next one!
So that's that; it was a very good year for books for me! I hope you get an idea for a book or series that you eventually pick up and love like crazy! :)
I have been thinking for a few years now about getting myself a Kindle, and I finally did it for my birthday last month! Although I still prefer good old-fashioned print books, I can't deny the convenience; and so I have finally given in. For economical reasons, I went with the original ($69); the drawbacks I have found are: 1) it's not a touchscreen; you have to navigate with a 4-way arrow under the screen, and turn pages with buttons on the side; 2) there is not a built-in light and 3) compared to other options the contrast is not great.
Because of these things, I talked my mom recently into purchasing the newer and improved Kindle Paperwhite ($119)
. The improved contrast as well as the ability to adjust screen brightness (from completely unlit, like mine, to fairly bright) give you more options. You can read in the dark without turning a separate light on, as well as read in bright sunlight more easily. Now I really want to upgrade...already!!
Another option (which I would have considered, but I already share a tablet with my daughter) is the Kindle Fire HD 7"
In my opinion, this is a GREAT alternative to an iPad, and much more cost effective. You have several options, from screen size, to adding 4G, but the original is a very affordable $174.
I realize there are other brands of e-readers out there, such as Nook, and others, but for me Kindle was always the way to go. First of all, I am already an Amazon shopper, and I know there are frequent deals on Kindle books. I have already purchased several for $0.99 or $1.99, as well as acquired a few for free! It's also SO easy; when you order a Kindle, it is automatically connected to your Amazon account. That way, whenever you buy a Kindle book, it can be set up easily to automatically download to your device.
I still plan to borrow from the library and purchase regular print books, but I am really happy to have my Kindle; one main reason is for trips. Thinking about packing for Canada over Christmas becomes much easier, not to mention lighter! Not only do I not have to haul the 800 page book I am planning to read, but if I actually finish it and want to read something else, I have several other options already at my fingertips. And of course, I can always log into Amazon and purchase any Kindle ebooks
that strike my fancy, downloaded in seconds! Isn't technology amazing? :)
I have already given you a list of my favorite books and series, which earned A's from me; but there are many other books that I enjoyed as well, just not thoroughly enough to have earned an A. This is what I am calling my "B list". I have narrowed down the elements in a book that I must have to some degree in order for it to be an "A": real characters (i.e. they feel alive, and I come to care about what happens to them), engaging plot (otherwise known as a "page-turner"), and love story (the 2 characters that you want to be together, do fall in love and end up together). Obviously if the writing quality is poor, your chances are slim that all 3 of these elements will be there, so I don't count that as a separate essential element.
That brings up a sore spot for me though...I read a comment about Twilight when I was in the thick of my obsession, that Stephen King had said Stephenie Meyer wasn't a great writer. I took issue with this at the time, my argument being: "If a writer writes a book that countless people can't get enough of, doesn't that make them a good writer?" I'm not sure, as I know some people who agree with him, and some who don't. I'm not by any means a literature snob, and frankly don't really enjoy most classics I've tried to read (sorry you die-hards)!). If I can't put a book down, to me, that's a fantastic book. Perhaps the author's skill is not up there with the masters in some respects, but they have a certain, undefinable magic about their writing if they can pull that off. And that's all I have to say about that. :)
So in light of my grading system, if I have given a book a B, it most likely falls short in one of the essential elements I listed. Perhaps it had a slow section that I felt I had to push through (e.g. The Host), or just didn't have a love story that got enough attention (like Harry Potter or Blink); maybe I just didn't enjoy the way the story went or the overall feeling I was left with (as in Breaking Dawn or Mockingjay, listed on my A list because the others in those series were A's). Without further ado, here is my list of B grade novels:
Harry Potter Series, by J.K. Rowling
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak
Girl of Fire and Thorns
, by Rae Carson-B-
A Walk to Remember, by Nicolas Sparks
Agenda 21, by Glenn Beck
Blink of an Eye, by Ted Dekker-B+
The Last Sin Eater
, by Francine Rivers-B+
, by Kristin Cashore-B+
Song of Albion Trilogy
, by Stephen Lawhead-B
A Tailor-Made Bride and To Win Her Heart
, by Karen Witemeyer-B
The Giver
, by Lois Lowry-B+
The Raven Cycle
, by Maggie Stiefvater-B+ (so far!!!)
Shiver Trilogy
, by Maggie Stiefvater-B
The Host: A Novel
, by Stephenie Meyer-B
The Mortal Instruments, by Cassandra Clare-B-
The Grisha Trilogy
, by Leigh Bardugo-B